We are happy to add any upcoming events to the Canyon Title website and weekly newsletter! Please follow these steps to submit your class/event request successfully.
Fill out the Request Form found here. Please email and to be double safe it was received. Either Natalie or Eileen will reach out to you with any follow up questions.
If applicable, please send over a signed copy of our Partnership Policy at your convenience.
Once the Request Form has been received along with the Partnership Policy (if needed), we will check the conference room schedule to secure a space and communicate any double bookings.
Moxie does not operate on Outlook and will not have access to your calendars, so the Canyon Title Account Executive hosting the event will need to add it to your company Outlook calendar.
After a room has been selected, we will add the event to the website and send you the subsequent link for review.
The class will then be added to the website and in the queue for the weekly newsletter.
Depending on the length of time leading up to the class, we will send you an update on the number of RSVPs one week before the event date, and again a day before the class so you can plan accordingly. *If it is an external host, they will need to provide the RSVP information.
We will promote the class on social media the week of the class.
After your class, please send us a list of the class attendees- any new email addresses will be added to our newsletter CRM (Constant Contact).